As you know I love handbags. All handbags, pretty much. I love the way they can make even your most boring outfit to be nice and interesting. What I find&…
It is always exciting to observe which designer handbags will become must have bags each year. The fact, that it is a new design doesn’t automatically mean that the …
Recently I was travelling quite a bit. Now every week, but definitely every other week. Apart of a my almost month travel in Singapore and Koh Samui in Thailand, it&…
Do you like saddle bags? Saddle bags are always one of the staples of the fall season. It has something to do with a hunting season. You definitely know the&…
Luxury handbags are very expensive indeed (hence luxury duh!!!). It is not only because of the production costs or materials. Of course you pay for the exclusivity of the brand.&…