It is always exciting to observe which designer handbags will become must have bags each year. The fact, that it is a new design doesn’t automatically mean that the …
Hands up those of you who gets excited whenever there is a new Chanel handbag? My favourite is always the Chanel summer collection followed by their cruise collection. I just&…
Yellow is a great colour for spring. It is bright, fresh and light. Just adding that colour to your end of winter wardrobe, you will immediately feel like spring entered&…
Tote bags are probably to easiest bags to wear. Anytime and anywhere. They also go with most of the clothes. Probably not cocktail dresses but definitely with most day clothes. …
Duster coat is a perfect piece of clothing you need for the transitional dressing in the fall. Duster coat is usually made of slightly lighter fabric than trench coats so&…