My secret to happiness without spending any money

What is the secret to happiness

The other day I was thinking about happiness. What makes people happy, what makes me happy. When I look at my friends, that are (or seem to be) happy, what are the similarities between them? I consider myself generally very happy. Not all day every day, but most of the times anyway. Everyone has a bad day right? But I believe that it is the way you deal with a bad day (or month) that makes all the difference. That made me thinking. What is the secret to happiness?

What are things, that only we can influence ourselves and without spending any money? Things that are really just up to us? What are the things that will cost you nothing (or very very little) and can improve your general happiness?Secret to happiness by Chic Journal fashion and lifestyle blog

Secret to happiness – things you can start doing right now

  1. Do exercise. You don’t need expensive gym membership. Go for a walk everyday or even better, run. If you don’t want to go out, just do 30 min every day at home. Sit ups, lounges or squats, the options are limitless. If you don’t know how to do it or what exercise to do, you can find endless videos on youtube. Exercise, as you know, release endorphins. Endorphins are also called “hormones of happiness”. Do I need to continue?
  2. Eat well balanced diet. Clean your fridge and cupboards and get rid of all processed food. Believe me, it does nothing for you. Next time when you go to the supermarket, choose healthier options. There is a huge number of blogs about healthy eating, so you can take inspiration there. I see it on myself every single time I “slip” from my healthy eating habits. I feel more sluggish, have less energy and even feel more irritable. And I don’t like that feeling, it doesn’t make me happy at all. When I go back to my healthy way of eating I immediately feel the change in my mood. So I am trying as much as I can to eat relatively healthy.
  3. Adopt new activity. I know you have more than enough on your plate right now. Who doesn’t? Full time job, kids running around and every evening you just want to sit quietly and breathe. Who has time to adopt some new activity, right? I believe it is crucial that you dedicate some quality time just for yourself. In the end of the day, you have just one life, one chance to do it right. Sometimes adopting new activity is all we need to be able to take a step back and see things in different perspective. Just recently I started ballet. I will never be a ballerina (LOL). But just the fact there is something new i can learn, makes me excited.
  4. Stop watching TV and leave your phone alone. You can also do a digital detox, which I talked about here. Make a list of books (articles, magazines etc) you want to read and start reading.
  5. Dress up even on the days when you are home alone. It will make you feel much better about yourself. They say that how we feel inside is translated into how we look outside. I happen to believe it can also be other way round. You will instantly feel better if you look better, don’t you think?Petra from Chic Journal shares tips how to be happier
    Secret to happiness by Petra Brisby

Secret to happiness – things that will take some time to establish.

  1. First of all, have friends who want the best for you and like you for who you are. Why would anyone like to have friends who actually don’t like them?
  2. There are two types of people. Drainers and radiators. Be the radiator and also choose to be around people who are as well radiators. Don’t allow the drainers drain your energy. I love being around people who are energetic, enthusiastic, driven and full of life.
  3. Believe in yourself. It is not always easy. Sometimes we all doubt yourselves, but you can work on it by starting to  appreciate every little achievement. Most of all, start doing things with “I can do it” attitude.
  4. If you don’t like your situation, stop complaining and change something about it. But remember the change needs to start within yourself as you can’t expect that the situation change by itself. Always ask this question first: “What can i do, to change things?” 
  5. Be the person you like to be. I don’t mean to impersonate anyone. Just thing of a type of person. What qualities you admire? Do you like to be kind, helpful, joyful, driven, empathetic? Whatever it is you want to be, don’t forget, people can change and so can you!
  6. Always work hard on yourself and at whatever you do. This one is quite simple. Working hard and looking back at your achievements ALWAYS gives you great sense of satisfaction and self respect. And it doesn’t need to be just big things. Every little thing counts.
  7. Choose to be positive. I know what are you thinking. “I can’t just choose to be positive“. Believe me, you can. Positivism is just a mindset. Sure, it might take you a while to train that, but you can do it. I did that years back. Before I usually saw all the cups half empty. It took time, and yes, I still have moments when my husbands needs to remind me to be more positive. However being positive makes me happier.
  8. Finally, don’t judge, rather be curious. Probably, we are all guilty as charged. Maybe it is so easy just to judge everyone around us. The truth is, sometimes we are lazy creatures. And being curious takes an effort, time and patience. Things we do not always have. Nevertheless remember that judging people doesn’t make you happy, however answered questions to your curiosity does.

Alexis dress and Chanel classic handbagTips for happier life by Chic JournalSecret to happy life without spending any money

Bag: Chanel, Dress: Alexis (similar here, here or here), Boots: Stuart Weizman, Jacket: Mango (similar here), Belt: Claudie Pierlot

And what is YOUR secret to happiness? I would love to hear your story!

Wishing you happy day






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