Quality vs quantity. Why buying quality clothes matter?

Quality vs quantity. Why buying quality clothes matter?

“Take a minute and think before you shop”   Ok, here is a question for you. Do you like buying clothes often? Do you always or very often say “I…

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5 biggest handbag trends for 2020 and which one is the “IT” bag of the year?

5 biggest handbag trends for 2020 and which one is the “IT” bag of the year?

What are the handbag trends this year? And which one is my favourite? I am a serious handbag lover, however I am not into all the trends. It is like…

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What to wear for Valentine’s day dinner

What to wear for Valentine’s day dinner

Where do you stand when it comes to Valentine’s day? Are you a person who loves the tradition and symbolism of the day? Or are you more of a person…

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Hotel review: Lympstone Manor hotel in Devon for your perfect weekend away

Hotel review: Lympstone Manor hotel in Devon for your perfect weekend away

Happy New Year my friends! I can’t believe it is another year and another decade already! If you ask me, time flies a bit too fast, don’t you think? Did…

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Here are your 10 best last minute Christmas presents

Here are your 10 best last minute Christmas presents

Christmas day is in a week time so do you have all your presents? If not, then continue reading as here you will find the best last minute Christmas presents…

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