Every day we look at handbags. Handbags we have at home, handbags that our friends have or handbags famous brands are offering. All the brands are teasing us with the most beautiful designs and we don’t know which one to buy first. Will it be Dior or Chanel? Maybe Louis Vuitton? But what about new brands? Are you in touch with what is going on outside of the big fashion houses? Are you familiar with the new up and coming brands that are starting to compete with the best ones? No? Well don’t worry, because today I have a brand just like that to share with you.
The newcomer is called Marie de la Roche and her statement handbags will for sure get your attention. While this brand is fairly new (launched in 2015 in Middle East), it is definitely one to watch. Furthermore these bags are very colourful and playful, but don’t miss a bit of an attitude.
First of all I came across this brand just recently and I am already loving it while choosing my favourites from the fall collection. These are the perfect purses if you are looking for something extraordinary. Even some of the shapes are not ordinary and that is why I think they are exactly what handbags world need. These are the perfect bags if you want to be bold and not to be placed in any traditional fashion box. Marie is filling the gap for those who are missing a little bit of fun when choosing the right purse and she is certainly doing it right.
Her inspiration came from the sultans garden from Ottoman monarchy and it is not only the combination of colours that will get your full attention. I particularly love the 3D effect that its ruffles do. It reminds me a little bit of a butterfly spreading the wings. I can totally imagine the sultans garden with butterflies flying freely around and colourful flowers under the beautiful palatial windows.
Below you can see my favourites. While these are the bags from the pre-fall and fall-winter collection, you can still see the use of the bold colours that stays true to the brand’s essence. However I would recommend you to visit the website and look for yourself what other beauties you can find. The best of all is, they are all available online and in just few clicks you can become an owner of one of their exquisite pieces.
First of all pre-fall collection purses
Furthermore fall/winter collection purses
So what do you think, will you be bold with your next purchase?
Bag Vibes