What’s your New Year resolution? Classic question everyone asks now. Most people will answer the standard: “I will go more to the gym” or “I will make time for my friends and family” or “I will say NO more often”. The list goes on. However there is also another resolution I like to include: “My fashion resolutions for 2025”. You can think of it as my “NEW RULES” that I want to apply this year when it comes to fashion and your guide if you feel overwhelmed with so many information about trends and capsule wardrobes and “must haves” this year. So let’s dive straight in.
1st of my fashion resolutions: Wardrobe detox
I have written a separate blog post in the past about this very topic which you can read here in full, or you can continue here to hear the shorter version. I don’t do wardrobe detox enough, but I have decided that I really need to get on with things otherwise there won’t be a space for new clothes. To be absolutely honest with you, I never enjoy this bit (hence don’t do it very often) but it is necessary part of everyone who loves fashion.
My strategy for this year is very simple, achievable and fast. Simply, each week I will get rid of min 3-5 items from type of clothing. This week, it be tops. I am commiting to throw away 3-5 tops I don’t wear or haven’t worn for ages. Next week it will be dresses and so on. I know if I would start with all wardrobe at once, I would never finish. I would only get overwhelmed by the quantity and decisions to be made. Splitting it in several sections takes less time and decisions are made faster. After that, I will be always following the standard rule: “One new item in, one old one out”.
2nd of my fashion resolutions: Don’t succumb to trends that are not right for me
I won’t succumb to trends I know don’t suit me or I don’t particularly like. Fashion is very subjective, ever evolving beast, where even cultures and ages interfere. Not even talking about seasons. We are constantly bombarded left and right what is now fashionable and what we have to have and with every season there is a new thing we “must have”.
BUT! This year, one of my fashion resolutions is, that I will stay clear of trends that I KNOW don’t suit me (I did buy them in the past) and rather buy clothes that with flatter my body and I will feel great wearing them. Don’t get me wrong. I love to be on trend and fashionable, but equally I want to wear the clothes. I don’t want the clothes to wear me.
Number 3: Invest into quality pieces
I have also written a post in the past about quality vs quantity which you can read here in full. But the short version is this: Not all that is expensive is high quality. Pay attention to fabrics, cuts, finishing. With shoes and handbags – pay attention to materials they are made of. Are these shoes really that amazing, or is it just the brand or another trend I want to follow?
Here is my wish list for this year I want to invest in: Dior slingbacks, Max Mara coat,investment piece handbag, timeless blazer, Hermes Oran, hermes belt, sunglasses and tops that are not white shirts. There will definitely be more things during the course of a year that I will get, but these items are my priority wishlist. They will be timeless and they will bring a bit of a fashion joy and they will still follow my fashion resolutions.
Number 4: Create timeless capsule wardrobe for each season
If you open my wardrobe, you will see that it is quite full. It is not huge but it is not small either. However I tend to wear the same things over and over again, party because of a habit, party because there is too many things so I don’t want to look for things everyday but also party because I have lots of “disconnected” clothes that can just be worn within one specific look.
So one of my fashion resolutions this year is to create a timeless wardrobe. Every season I will have those only get few good quality pieces to built on the basics. These pieces include for spring: jeans, traines, loafers, white and striped tops and blazers. I will also include classic pair of trousers and day to night dress. I will write a specific capsule wardrobe building post soon, so stay tuned.
Number 5: Support of smaller and sustainable brands
I am very much guilty of occasional shopping in fast fashion chains like Zara or Mango, even though lot less so then in the past. However there is a reason for it. They are accessible easily everywhere. They are well priced. If you get a trendy piece, you don’t mind as much that you won’t wear them next year. However, I know this is not great approach to help saving the planet and the waste from all the fast fashion chains is immense.
So my last but not least fashion resolution is to invest into smaller, emerging brands that focus of slow fashion, good quality pieces, timeless cuts and very often sustainable materials. I would rather have less in my wardrobe but good quality.
Let me know in the comments what are your fashion resolutions this year
with love