Best thing to buy this month: Flower earrings as your statement accessory

Best thing to buy this month: Flower earrings as your statement accessory

Spring is one of my favourite times of the year. Everything blossoms. Trees and flowers are in their best, temperatures are rising and you start to feel the need to&…
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Best thing to buy this month: Chunky trainers that you will wear all year round

Best thing to buy this month: Chunky trainers that you will wear all year round

Chunky sneakers: Nero Giardini, Jeans: Paige  It is still quite cold outside and you are maybe still wearing your boots, but the spring is coming and with that also warmer&…
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Best thing to buy this month: Headbands, the “it” accessory you need in 2019

Best thing to buy this month: Headbands, the “it” accessory you need in 2019

First apologies for missing the January episodes of “best thing to buy this month”. I was travelling pretty much the whole month and didn’t have much time to catch …
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Best thing to buy this month: Faux fur coat

Best thing to buy this month: Faux fur coat

Apologies for posting this late. I went to London for a nice weekend with my husbands and I forgot my laptop in the hotel. Did it ever happened to you?&…
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Why you should wear all shades of neutrals this fall

Why you should wear all shades of neutrals this fall

Wearing shades of neutrals Here is a question. Why do people always prefer wearing dark clothes in winter? Is it because they are worried light shade coat will get dirty&…
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