It is always exciting to observe which designer handbags will become must have bags each year. The fact, that it is a new design doesn’t automatically mean that the …
Hands up those of you who gets excited whenever there is a new Chanel handbag? My favourite is always the Chanel summer collection followed by their cruise collection. I just&…
Tote bags are probably to easiest bags to wear. Anytime and anywhere. They also go with most of the clothes. Probably not cocktail dresses but definitely with most day clothes. …
The new season, the new collections. What are the best Chanel bags to buy this season? Have you seen already the new Chanel fall winter 2018 collection? They are all…
Oh Chanel and their creations. Always on the top of their game, with no fail. I am always so excited to see what is new. And this Chanel new collection&…