With the bags is like with clothes. You choose them mostly because you like them. You like their particular style, colour and material. There are thousands of designer bags and each of them will find their owner who will love them unconditionally. Some bags are in single colour, some are very colourful, some with studs and some bags are from exotic skins. But there is also another type of the bag, which I like to call the Bags with an attitude. Why? It is simple. They are telling the world more than that their owner like the colour or the model or the brand. These bags say to world much more. They take the handbags design to the whole new level.
These bags are everything but not simple as they are not using the obvious shapes, cuts and colours. Ordinary things like washing powder box or perfume bottle, post stamp or box of chocolate are inspiring their creators and turning these into purses. It is not for everyone and it takes a real fashionista to pull this off. However if you wear it right, you can look like a fashion icon with great confidence who isn’t scared to experiment a little.
There are few brands who are taking this direction for already some time and they are doing great. Each year they come up with original and striking designs and fashion world get over the moon happy about the extravagance these bags represent. Probably everyone notice Moschino’s eccentric designs over the past decades. Furthermore Charlotte Olympia, who everyone know for her amazing heels but also creates clutches with original designs and shapes. Finally Anya Hindmarch, who is known for her handbags for years now.
These bags are like a wearable art and I found for you the most striking ones.
Anya Hindmarch Kit Kat leather clutch
Moschino – Faux textured – leather backpack
Anya Hindmarch – Ebury Maxi All Over Stickers tote
Moschino – Printed leather shoulder bag
Moschino – Moto Jacket leather shoulder bag / Charlotte Olympia – Axel box clutch
Charlotte Olympia – Perpex clapboard Take That clutch / Anya Hindmarch – Imperial snakeskin clutch
So what do you think, are you confident enough that you can pull these off?
Bag Vibes