Hi dear friends! I have decided (finally) to change the name of my Bag Vibes blog. The main reason is that bagvibes.com no longer represent the original concept of a blog being purely focused on handbags. As I added fashion and now travels as well, I wanted to make sure the name reflects that (also I am already thinking of new things to add, so stay tuned). So what is is going to be?
The new name
The new blog name is going to be CHICJOURNAL.COM (make sure you add it to your bookmarks). The idea is quite simple and straightforward. I like all things “CHIC” and this space is like my personal “JOURNAL” of everything I like to share with you. Obviously all the social will change the name as well.
When this will happen
We already working on the new site, but it will go “live” on Wednesday 16th of August at 9am GMT. The “old” website will be redirected to the new one automatically however please bear with me in case the redirect takes a while to be active. (you can always go to the new web site manually)
So the next post will be already under the new name. How exciting :-)))