These are the 10 best luxury designer bags under the £1000

These are the 10 best luxury designer bags under the £1000

Luxury handbags are very expensive indeed (hence luxury duh!!!). It is not only because of the production costs or materials. Of course you pay for the exclusivity of the brand. With some brands, it is almost impossible task to bags under £1000. When you ask around, this amount seems to be the psychological limit unless you consider yourself rich enough to not care. And I know how upsetting it is for you if you are craving to have at least one high end designer number in your closet. So don’t you worry, there is still hope for you. And what is even better, you don’t need to break you bank account to get one. I have found for you these 10 best handbags under £1000.

As a bonus, these bags are classic timeless pieces that will last ages and you will be able to enjoy them with most of the clothes day or night. And in case you are wandering, YES you can get even some of the big names like Louis Vuitton. So from now on, you don’t need to walk around the shopping windows all sad because you will now find out that there are plenty of bags under £1000 to choose from.

So here is the list of 10 best bags under £1000:

BALENCIAGA Metallic Edge City mini tote (£925 via Net-a-porter)



DOLCE & GABBANA Sicily medium shoulder bag (£995 via Mytheresa)

GUCCI GG Marmont Camera mini shoulder bag (£640 via Net-a-porter)

Louis Vuitton Alma BB (£835 via Louis Vuitton)

Louis Vuitton Neverful (£880 via Louis Vuitton)

PRADA Galleria Baby tote (£850 via Net-a-porter)

VALENTINO Valentino Garavani Rockstud shoulder bag (£ 885 via Mytheresa)


VICTORIA BECKHAM Tulip small croc-effect leather tote (£950 via Net-a-porter)


SAINT LAURENT Monogramme Blogger shoulder bag (£645 via Net-a-porter)

CHLOÉ Marcie mini textured-leather shoulder bag (£575 via Net-a-porter)



So still think you can’t reach the designer handbags and satisfy your heart? Well if you want bigger selection, you can have a look at the selection below this article. Let me know which one you love the most.


Lots of love

Bag Vibes



SHOP THE BAGS (all under £1000 or $1250):





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